Alumni Profiles

Khurram Abbas

Organization Information

Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited is Information Technology based multi-site organization providing Electronic Book Entry System to clients of 800+ corporate users comprised of Brokerage Houses, financial institution, Banks and stock exchange listed Companies. Head office in Karachi having 2 Branch Offices in Lahore & Islamabad.

Describe the work that you do in your role

MS Windows Platform: Installing, configuring, troubleshooting and managing network services such as Active Directory Service (ADS), DNS, DHCP, firewall, Virtual Private Network, Publishing Web Content using IIS, RIS for client installation, Certificate Authority.

Inter Networks: DDR ISDN-Link, metro and LONG HAUL of last mile DXX links, WiMax links, Layer-3 access control using IP access list on Cisco router(2821, 3662, 3845, AS5300 for Dial-up services), Cisco ASA5540 for firewall and VPN services.
Installing, troubleshooting and managing Layer-2 security using VLANs and port mapping on 3Com switches for security.

Indicate previous experience and/or areas of career proficiency/achievenments


Describe your success in your professional life and achievements

My own personal definition of career success includes three elements, all of which, if consistently achieved, allow for incredible career success: (1) Leveraging YOUR strengths to deliver maximum value to your employer, your clients/customers, your colleagues, your teammates and your business partners; (2) Being the absolute best that YOU can be in whatever your chosen trade, craft or profession; and (3) loving what you do for a living.

Write your activities and achievement if you were member of any club or society in UMT?


What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?