Alumni Profiles

Muhammad Junaid

Organization Information

I am a freelancer and I'm working on Fiverr. I am basically Graphic
Designer so I am working online I am not working on any physical
platform. I make logos, posters, and other designs for graphic
designers. Fiverr is the best platform for online workers.

Describe the work that you do in your role

I am a freelancer and I'm working on Fiverr. I am basically Graphic
Designer so I am working online I am not working on any physical
platform. I make logos, posters, and other designs for graphic
designers. Fiverr is the best platform for online workers.

Indicate previous experience and/or areas of career proficiency/achievenments

Now i am beginner.

Describe your success in your professional life and achievements

I bright future in this organization. I learned how to communicate
with different people and personality development. This
organization is international and I hope this organization in my
future enhances the opportunities and makes me a successful person.
Thanks a lot for everything

Write your activities and achievement if you were member of any club or society in UMT?


What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?

These all memories are unforgettable. This time is the golden time
of my life and I am thankful to all those faculty and friend who
help me in my study of life.