Nagina Group basically is a textile oriented group comparising of three textile spinning and weaving listed companies and five trading private companies. The products are yarn and fabric. Trading companies deal in all types of products including commodity and share markets.
I am working with this group since last many years and got opportunies working in variuos departments, like internal audit, accounts (company and group level), administration, Corporate and commercial as head of department. Currently, I am looking after procurment group's spinning unit (local and import).
By profession I am accounts and finance person and I have done my CA Inter before doing MBA (Ex) Finance. Before joining Nagina Group, I worked for a reputed chartered accountants firm as audit manager and established their Lahore office.
By the Grace of Allah I have won Gold Medal in MBA. In 20 subjects, I have scored 18 A+ & A and 2 B+.
Working with Nagina Group (established in 1967), I have achieved:
a) Youngest member of the Group Policy Formulation Committee and have the honor to formulate most of the group policies which are part of internal controls.
b) Youngest General Manager in Finance and Accounts.
c) Being Corporate Secretary implemented within group and advised the same to other groups and companies, various Laws promugated by SECP for Lsited Companies.
What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?
My MBA session with UMT was 2007 to 2009.
It was a memorable time I spent after a long time. I beleive UMT has one of the best faculty and students graduating from this university will become an asset for industries/organization in and out of Pakistan.