Operation and maintenance of water supply, sewerage & drainage system.
Billing and collection of all rates, fees and charges for the services provided to its consumer.
Undertaking bulk production, filtration/treatment, transmission and retail distribution purifying of water.
Collection, pumping, treatment & disposal of sewage & industrial waste.
Enforcement against defaulters and unauthorized connections etc.
Short term and long term planning for tapping additional water sources & its implementation to meet water supply and sewerage demand projected.
I work hard for the achievement of my goals and fulfill dreams of my father to serve nation as becoming part of government organization my slogan for the work progress is the best or nothing make time frame for the completion of related work
Describe your success in your professional life and achievements
I work hard for the achievement of my goals and fulfill dreams of my father to serve nation as becoming part of government organization my slogan for the work progress is the best or nothing make time frame for the completion of related work
What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?
my teacher named sir prof azizurrehman is the person who made my career on the right track although i was not a bright student at all but the charismatic behavior and advice of him made my life.i pray for him all my life.