Alumni Profiles

Syed Taha Salman Mahmood

Organization Information

Jamaat-e-Islami is a Political party and its aim is to make Pakistan a better country to live by implementing the Rules of ALLAH (SWT). Jamaat-e-Islami is working since 1941 and was formed by Syed Abul Ala Maudoodi (R.A). It is a truly democratic party

Describe the work that you do in your role

I manage the Jamaat-e-Islami Face book , Twitter, YouTube and other social media official pages. A team of 4 persons is currently working under my supervision where we all create beautiful and informative social media stuff. we daily update our page with Jamaat-e-Islami news and with other informational and religious posts. Our face book page likes are around 1.2 million and its increasing day by day

Indicate previous experience and/or areas of career proficiency/achievenments

I know how to make news , how to conduct talk show, how to do research on news papers regarding specific issue and many other things

Describe your success in your professional life and achievements

i have worked and currently working in my office on how to depoliticize office atmosphere, how to increase the potential of my team by continuous brain storming and suggesting them to do innovative things, learning new and different software's which can increase their performance

Write your activities and achievement if you were member of any club or society in UMT?

worked for Unified Media Club, organized with my team 3 exhibitions on Kashmir Issue and media seminars&trainings in Alhamra complex and in different universities

What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?

I have learned lot of things during my stay at UMT. I have learned how to manage my anger, how to do research, how to sell my ideas to people,how to increase your PR how to work as a team member and as a team leader