Alumni Profiles

Syed Umair Ali

Organization Information

Highnoon labs is one of the leading pharmaceutical company, according to IIMS HNL is at 20th position among 600 companies in pakistan, HNL deals in respiratory related medicines, cardilogy , gastro and other generic groups like cough syrups to pain killers,

Describe the work that you do in your role

my role is to facilitate my assigned team in marketing and make a bridge between field force and head office , secondly to do sales analysis , reports writing , book keeping and bit involvement in branding as well like,

Indicate previous experience and/or areas of career proficiency/achievenments

Its my start do i didn't achieve any milestone there but its just a beginning , by bosses my colleagues are more then happy with my performance ,

Describe your success in your professional life and achievements

Igave more then 20 interviews, before joining Highnoon and i received okay call from almost 12 companies , but i want to achieve many more in my career by performing best over best
what i did here in HNl so far is smooth the work processes , i am trying hard to make things simple and in a proper work flow in which i am very much successful, but its to early to say becuse its my 4 month , time will decides my plans , strategies will works or not !

Write your activities and achievement if you were member of any club or society in UMT?

I was never a part of any society or group

What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?

the time which i spend with my best friends and the way we crack jokes on other or even during class room , the synergy in our group the project work , presentations and bla bla but i would say the thing which i missed a lot after leaving UMT is BBQ i never find that much juicy & delicious "Malie Botii" any where in Lahore