Garbriel College aim is to create a community that is increasingly entrepreneurial and more reliant on technology and courses are designed to give students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today's competitive environment and provide supportive environment.
After graduated in Economics my career interests included Human resource management, social sciences and development. I have gained the work experience in The Bank of Punjab and also involved in organizing the events and seminars regarding the social problems.
Describe your success in your professional life and achievements
The learning in UMT has given me ability to recognize my skills and competencies.Good presentation style and leadership quality has provided me to express my point of view and deliver lectures and lot of confidence to stabilize my social skills.
Write your activities and achievement if you were member of any club or society in UMT?
* Certifies as an event organizer for organizing the seminar of Supply Chain in Awari Hotel, Lahore.
* Certified as having one of the good position in Supply chain video game competition.
What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?
That time was memorable and I have lot of memories regarding my teachers, friends and my studies.Struggle for getting good grades and after achieving the goal enjoying with friends.