Alumni Profiles

Yasar Arfat Anwar

Organization Information

Ittehad Chemicals Limited is a pioneer in the manufacturing of Chlor-alkali products in Pakistan to operating one of the state of the art and most energy efficient caustic soda plant in the world, Ittehad chemicals believes in being the “best in its class”.
Manufacturing complex, located in Kala Shah Kaku, district Skeikhupura, started production in 1964. The company was nationalized in 1972 and was later privatized in 1995.

Describe the work that you do in your role

Delivering Real Business Solution through Strategic Business Planning & Effective Assets Management. Talented professional more than 25 years of result-focused experience involving in production, supply chain, warehousing, distribution, logistics and transportation management. Embraces a “continuous improvement “approach throughout daily task, known as effective problem solver with unique ability to think analytically and creatively, special talent for handling adversity with enthusiasm and determination. Self-Starter with ability to excel under minimal direction. Excel in collaborative as well as leadership roles. Ability to act as liaison between IT sales, operation & finance with strong SAP skills.

Indicate previous experience and/or areas of career proficiency/achievenments

• Askari Pharmaceuticals.
• Muller & Phipps Pakistan Private Limited.
• Abu Dawood Pakistan (IATCO Group)
• Emirates Logistics Pakistan Private Limited
• Ittehad Chemicals Limited (Continue)

Describe your success in your professional life and achievements

Talented professional More then 25 years of result-focused experience involving in supply chain management, warehousing, distribution, logistics and transportation management. Embraces a “continuous improvement “approach throughout daily task, Known as effective problem solver with unique ability to think analytically and creatively .special talent for handling adversity with enthusiasm and determination . self starter with ability to excel under minimal direction. Excel in collaborative as well as leadership roles. Ability to act as liaison between IT sales, operation & finance with strong SAP skill.
A part from Supply Chain experience, I also have diversified experience in Quality Management, Security and Administration.

Write your activities and achievement if you were member of any club or society in UMT?

Center for Supply Chain Research.
University Of Management & Technology Lahore Pakistan.

What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?

It was great and a real surprise, I thoroughly enjoyed the way that the course mixed lectures with collaborative activities, projects and case studies. It gave everyone a chance to learn from each other and share experiences. It also helped us to build some strong friendships too.”