The Islamia University is a public sector university and working since 1971 in this field. The university has two sub campuses in bahwawalnagar and rhaimyarkhan.
The university is the only university our area and playing vital role in lives of the students of this area.
Iam working as lecturer in bahawalnagar campus since 2009 in the department of computer sciences and it. Teaching here the subjects like theory of automata, compiler construction assembly language, oodm, databases, distributed data base managemnt system, computer sysytem architecture etc.
Previously work as an oracle developer in nishat group of industries and visting lecturer in vti, superior college
Describe your success in your professional life and achievements
Ihave helped a lot of students inn their final projects as a supervisor during my job in this campus. Final projects related to the field of web development, electronic course coordinator, student information system, tele text shopping and news system etc.
Write your activities and achievement if you were member of any club or society in UMT?
No i hav'nt participated in any.
What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?
I have learned alot of things during my studies at umt which i m using here in my job in day to day activities.