Alumni Profiles

Asim Riaz

Organization Information

We are a BPO based company dealing in various industries such as IT, HR Services, Accounts, Order Processing, SEO, Software Development, Customer Services etc. Company with a head count of over 100 people. Head office is based in Canada and in Lahore we have the execution or the branch office.

Describe the work that you do in your role

I am looking after the non technical HR. Which includes the recruitment, training, evaluation and other management of the employees as per client or project requirements. we get various requirements from the client internationally then we shortlist required candidates at our end and forward them to the respective client. Once approved we hire then and the person works with us for the client

Indicate previous experience and/or areas of career proficiency/achievenments

Started my career with and HR consultancy firm where i developed the whole structured., developed, devised and implemented policies and procedures not only for internal use but for number of clinets. Involved in various other consulting projects with both the service and the manufacturing sector. Other than this had been working with a IT consulting company as a ERP consultant and have involved with them in various consulting and implementation assignment.

Describe your success in your professional life and achievements

ust to cut short i took every thing as a challenge for me and always aimed for long term success. Never hesitated from hardwork and tried to finish tasks on time.I learned a lot from my own mistakes from others mistakes and never the less from my seniors and tired to implement all those learning and they resulted in what i am.

Write your activities and achievement if you were member of any club or society in UMT?

I have been associated with the editorial board for some time

What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?

really miss that time and have a wish that could ever enter the student life once again as it was.....Being a student is always very nice but the time spend at university level was really remember able.Still remember how we made projects and completed assignments spending 40 hours of non stop work, submission of assignments and then looking forward to the result is some thing we cant forget.