Alumni Profiles

Atif Javaid

Organization Information

Khired Networks is an end-to-end solutions provider with unmatched expertise to meet your professional requirements. Our experts strive hard to provide efficient, innovative, and dynamic solutions that cater to a wide range of sectors. With our diverse portfolio and successful track record, we have the expertise to provide you products and services tailored to your specific needs. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority, and we guarantee that our state-of-the-art services and products will surpass your expectations.

Describe the work that you do in your role

As Scrum Master: -
Standups, Retros, Sprint planning.
Reporting: Creating Burn Down Charts, Velocity.
Team Support for removing blockers & settling disagreements to coffee runs.

As SQA Manager: -
Provide the definition, development and deployment of the product quality assurance & performance strategy, addressing all phases of the product development life-cycle.
Creates Test Plans which requires testing types and strategies, including system, end-user, performance, stress, endurance, functional & non-functional, negative/fuzz, manual & automated.
Drill down capability by debugging skills of Windows, Embedded Linux, iOS and Android systems.
Anticipates product release problems and takes corrective action, escalating as needed, to resolve and achieve commitments.
Collaborating with SCM team over configuration control, build and process management, branching and tagging strategies and environmental control.

Indicate previous experience and/or areas of career proficiency/achievenments

Skill Highlights:-

Docker / AWS
Cypress / Selenium / Appium
TestNG / Cucumber
REST Assured
JIRA / Bugzilla / TTP / MTM-TFS
Agile – Scrum, Kanban
Continues Delivery / Continues Deployment
Documentation:- Traceability Matrix / Test Plan / Test Case Doc / Release Notes
Incident Reports / Change Request Docs
Win / Linux / iOS

> ISTQB - CTFL (License # 17-CTFL-0188-PK)
> SI - SMAC (Cert ID # 38601613557897)
> Client’s Certification of Appreciation - Macrosoft Pakistan
> Performance bonus - Office Shadow Inc
> Performance bonus - Techno-soft Inc
> 2nd position - In-house Project competition - UMT

Describe your success in your professional life and achievements

As Quality Analyst & Web/Mobile Automation Test Engineer with through hands on experience in all types of testing. Who can assure that SDLC/STLC methodologies & SQA/SQC processes are appropriate and implemented correctly!

As Certified Scrum Master; Chief responsible for effectively and efficiently manage the development sprints from planning to execution to review in an agile development environment.

As Business Analyst having experience supporting business solution software and analyzing business operations. Aiming to utilize my strong prioritization skills and analytical ability to achieve the goals of the company.

Write your activities and achievement if you were member of any club or society in UMT?

I was Vice Persistent of Knowledge Forum.
I actively participated in debates competitions.
I got 2nd position in "In-house Project competition - UMT"

What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?

I think as a student I belong to that era in which UMT grows rapidly from an institution to university. It’s the golden era of the university what I can say! Same as the university was growing it is putting a deep impact on our learning too.
We found many opportunities to learn many things from UMT regarding to our circular and co circular activates. This literally helps us in our professional field in technical aspect as well as managerial.