Brief description of business:
Kids' Gym Nature Preschool and Daycare is the first Nature based preschool and daycare in Pakistan. We offer play based and Nature based education and care for the balanced development and for the sustainable environment by promoting love for nature from the very start.
Challenges you faced or facing
Investment for a bigger setup as parents in Lahore prefers formal purpose build schools as compared to small home based preschool.
Growth/goals you are looking in next five years
Having 4 to 5 Campus in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad, in major cities of Pakistan.
Whom you consider are your direct competitors
LGS, Learning Alliance, Beacon House, American Lycetuff, their preschools or early years sections.
One key advice for upcoming businessman/entrepreneurs
To start with a vision, as in initial time of growth of your business there comes obstacles and hardships and it's the vision which make you stand like rock persistently. Without vision you may succeed for a while but will never be able to grow unlimited!
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