Alumni Business Profiles

Saliha Aslam

Business Started Year


No of Employees

Business Size as compare to your respective industry/Sector


Brief description of business:

We make smart gadgets and digital mirrors to integrate in daliy lifestyle and help improve peoples' life. We at Smart Mirrors revolutionize the way you live!

Challenges you faced or facing

Being a female entrepreneur in such male dominated society was the biggest challenge and being the founder of a hardware startup added up to the challenges because I had to visit places like Hall Road, etc where when you step in, the people stare you like you're alien on the planet.
But what kept me going was my determination. I believed in myself and my will power helped me achieve my aim.

Growth/goals you are looking in next five years

To help this technology evolve the world.

Whom you consider are your direct competitors

We are the pioneers in Asia so we don't have any direct competitors. Moreover we've patent. But in future we welcome healthy competition.

One key advice for upcoming businessman/entrepreneurs

The advice I want to give is "Keep going and just don't give up!". Don't bother what others say. Just do what you aim to do and start your journey to success today!

Web/Social Media Links