Brief description of business:
Amritsar seed provides expertise in agricultural seed breeding, production and processing. Our main focus areas are on major field crops like Cotton, Rice, Corn, Wheat, Pearl millets and Oilseeds (Sunflower and Canola) as well as small-acre crops like Vegetables, Ornamentals & Fodders. Producer of seeds since 2003, Amritsar seed offers a broad range of quality products as unique Cotton Bt. seeds, Hybrids and open pollinated varieties in Rice, Corn, Sunflower, Pearl millets, Fodders and Vegetables. Our seed products are thoroughly tested at a network of professional contract growers and on the Amritsar Seed’s owned production and research farms.
Challenges you faced or facing
Non Technical Staff, bad Govt policies on Agriculture.
Growth/goals you are looking in next five years
Introduce new seed products in my brand
One key advice for upcoming businessman/entrepreneurs
Stay focused on your goals!
Web/Social Media Links