Alumni Profiles

Ahsan Javaid

Organization Information

Ravi Builders works in Construction Business. Ravi Builders is situated at PIA Main Bolevard road. Their main product is in the construction business. They make homes and plazas for the sales or rent purpose. They also deal in the sale or purchase of different land in the whole Pakistan mostly in the Lahore area

Describe the work that you do in your role

My job in that company is to deal with the customers and provide them information about the different available land property. I also maintain the information or data for the contacts requirements. My job is to bring the new customers to sell the properties of different areas to the desire customers according to their requirements.

Indicate previous experience and/or areas of career proficiency/achievenments

I work for three years in Ravi Builders as a Sales Executive and i also maintain the customer data for the sales or purchase requirements. I also bring new customers to increase their sales in which i makes lots of links with different people.
I also work in MCB bank as Direct Sales Representative
I work as Marketing Executive in Ravi Dairy for the 1 year

Describe your success in your professional life and achievements

I work in Ravi dairy for 1 year in which i have increase their sales with the help of sales team. In the start i focus on the promotion as they are in the FMCG product which sells more as more people know you. I also belief that it is not your business which you sell, It is your links what you are selling

Write your activities and achievement if you were member of any club or society in UMT?

I fight for the designation of President of Marketing club along my 5 members and get the two major seats. I also participates in my management activities like festivals and seminars etc. I also work as a Member of Marketing club. I also participate in the sports activities.

What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?

I remember those nights which i had to spend stay away from my home to study and just to get more knowledge to makes difference from other students. It was tough time from my teachers but i do it as i know one day i will reap it what i am sowing. Thanks to Allah i have completed my MBA program in the first attempt.