Alumni Profiles

Irfan Tariq Javed

Organization Information

Professional Services as well as providing operation services to different customers.
Expertflow provides clients and partners with expertise in Cisco Callcenters and Voice Portals. Our consultants cover all aspects of IPCC or UCCE, including Hosted, Enterprise and Express, CVP, VXML, IP-IVR, PGW 2200, EIM, WIM, CRM integrations and deployments, reporting/ Business Intelligence, Workforce Management, Voicerecording and Speech Recognition

Describe the work that you do in your role

I am working as Manager Managed Services / Consultant at Expertflow my job role is to design & deploy Cisco solutions for IP based Call Centers. I have deployed & designed call centers in Africa & Middle east / Pakistan. I am also leading a technical Team which provide L2 support to our prestigious Customers around the globe .My role is to ensure we are meeting committed SLA with our customers.

Indicate previous experience and/or areas of career proficiency/achievenments

I worked as Network operational Engineer @ Wateen Telecom & I was resident engineer at Warid Telecom Call Center taking care of their IP based call Center.

Describe your success in your professional life and achievements

I started my professional life as a support engineer & Allhumduillah after 10 years I am able to work as Consultant on IP based Call Center. I was part of a team who were first in Pakistan to work on any Cisco IP based Call center . I have travelled almost half of Africa where I designed & deployed 100s of Call Centers.

Write your activities and achievement if you were member of any club or society in UMT?

My achievement is I completed my Hafiz-e Quran When I was 12 years old .

What do you remember about your time in ILM / IMT /UMT?

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