Alumni Business Profiles

Haseeb Tahir

Business Started Year


No of Employees

Business Size as compare to your respective industry/Sector


Brief description of business:

Mian & Associates was founded in 1991 by Late Noor Ahmed Chaudhry, marks its almost 29 year of
establishment in Pakistan. It was instituted with an aim of providing extensive range of specialized legal
services with comprehensive solutions. We provide our services to Public Sector Organizations, Listed
Companies, Non-Governmental Organizations and Private Limited companies in the field of Taxation,
Financial Services, Corporate Affairs, and Legal Affairs etc. Our aim is to provide our clients with utmost
satisfaction through our consultancy.

Challenges you faced or facing

(i) Increased competition.
(ii) Pressure to become more specialized
(iii) Clients expecting more services at a lower rate.
(iv) Too much time wasted on administrative tasks.

Growth/goals you are looking in next five years

(i) Enhance substantive skills and staying competitive.
(ii) Development of firm
(iii) More clients taking.
(iv) Time management.
(v) Training of staff

Whom you consider are your direct competitors

I believe every lawyer/firm working on the above four goals is my competitor.

One key advice for upcoming businessman/entrepreneurs

Be Focused!

Web/Social Media Links