Alumni Business Profiles

Muhammad Qasim Chaudhary

Business Started Year


No of Employees

Business Size as compare to your respective industry/Sector


Brief description of business:

We provide services of TV-commercials, Event Photography and Videography and Product Photography. Working with UMT SKT for the last 4 years.
The TVc of UMT sialkot is made by our company.

Social Media Link:

Challenges you faced or facing

Mindset of Client. Most of them don't have the knowledge/sense of camera framing and editing. They just follow that old typical style.

Growth/goals you are looking in next five years

I hope we will grow more.

Whom you consider are your direct competitors

There are few companies in Sialkot offering TVC. But their rates are much higher than us.

One key advice for upcoming businessman/entrepreneurs

Must do agreement in written form like professionals. Otherwise, When you will complete your task according to client's requirements. He will ask you for changes again and again. Do charge for extra revisions so the client must carefully tell you his exact requirements.

Web/Social Media Links