Alumni Business Profiles

Syed Saad Zafar Ullah Shah

Business Started Year


No of Employees

Business Size as compare to your respective industry/Sector

Market Leader

Brief description of business:

Running two businesses
1 – Integrated Management Services Pvt Ltd | Director
2 – meeco Services Pakistan Pvt Ltd (JV meeco AG Germany) |Director & CEO

The meeco Group has been consolidated in 2000 in Zug (Switzerland), based on the heritage of a family owned business and its more than 80 years of experience in the energy sector. Today, well over 80 employees across five continents are working within the core enterprise, contributing to create and implement efficient energy projects and top-tier solar power systems worldwide. In the past 16 years, the international network of subsidiaries has been expanded and joint ventures in for example the United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, Canada, Pakistan, Jamaica and Malawi have been founded. When promoting and installing renewable energy solutions, solar photovoltaic and energy storage projects all around the world, we closely cooperate with specialised and reliable local partners.
The mission of our renewable energy company is to reduce carbon emissions and spur economic growth by creating reliable and affordable clean energy solutions. We further aim to ensure an attractive return on investment for our clients and strategic partners.

Website links

Challenges you faced or facing

Unique and highly customised marketing ideas to achieve our objectives.

Growth/goals you are looking in next five years

Encouraging more professional to step in to this sector to have health competition.

Whom you consider are your direct competitors

The extensive experience of our engineers, consultants and project planners, clearly sets us apart from competitors. meeco is fully vertically integrated for all services our clients might ask and need.

One key advice for upcoming businessman/entrepreneurs

• Do not find start finding short cuts as this will not help to grow and will lose customer trust.
• Spend due time to analyze the potential and then stay determined on the well thought listed steps to achieve goal.

Web/Social Media Links