Alumni Business Profiles

Nimra Najeeb Gull

Business Started Year


No of Employees

Business Size as compare to your respective industry/Sector


Brief description of business:

Khidmatgaar is dedicated to humanize the existence of domestic workers and to secure the households. It promotes citizenship, philanthropy & volunteering. Its mission is to nourish the hungry, achieve gender equality, inspire the youth, & connect the world!

Social Media Links

Challenges you faced or facing

The biggest challenge we have faced so far is volunteer management. This includes recruiting to retention and motivation.

Growth/goals you are looking in next five years

We are looking into the global opportunities that we can engage and make a bigger impact.

Whom you consider are your direct competitors

We believe in growing and making an impact together. We do not believe that we have any competitor as we focus on inclusion and partnership.

One key advice for upcoming businessman/entrepreneurs

It is okay to make mistakes but it’s better to see what mistakes others have done so you can learn and make better choices.

Web/Social Media Links