Alumni Business Profiles

Naveed Ahmad

Business Started Year


No of Employees

Business Size as compare to your respective industry/Sector


Brief description of business:

ZEROPIXEL digital design & web agency has emerged as a preeminent branding, marketing and end-to-end solution provider agency in present digital era. By helping numerous brands to reach new heights with guaranteed success, we have won hearts of many clients of almost every industry. Because of providing the quality products, listing as the top graphic designing company Lahore. Over a decade, ZEROPIXEL has evolved to the extent where we now offer A-Z techniques to make a business stand out in highly competitive world

Challenges you faced or facing

New Business Development

Growth/goals you are looking in next five years

Nothing say special due to pandemic covid-19

Whom you consider are your direct competitors

All small medium design & printing agencies

One key advice for upcoming businessman/entrepreneurs

Focuse on Growth Strategty "mean work with current potential customers" rather than developing new business

Web/Social Media Links