Alumni Business Profiles

Muhammad Usman Altaf

Business Started Year


No of Employees

Business Size as compare to your respective industry/Sector


Brief description of business:

We deal in all kind of offset printing material. Z-Fold paper, computer Paper, visiting Cards, All types of Packaging, Leaflets, Brochures, Offset Paper Reams, corrugated Cartons and many more...

Challenges you faced or facing

Uncertainty in the country, fluctuation in currency rates

Growth/goals you are looking in next five years

Looking forward to deal with foreign clients and their stationery needs.

Whom you consider are your direct competitors

Printing is a wide field, more than 25000 Printing based companies are registered in Lahore only and every one of them has its own speciality

One key advice for upcoming businessman/entrepreneurs

Stick to one field and explore it, you will be succeeded one day.

Web/Social Media Links